
Showing posts from April, 2021

Social Science History Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and Russian Revolution (Summary of the topic taught as on 30/04/2021)

  Topics Covered: The First World War and the Russian Empire The February Revolution in Petrograd Learning Objectives: Students will be able to identify the effects of First World War I on Russia. Students will be able to identify the events of February Revolution in Petrograd. The First World War and the Russian Empire In Russia the first world war was initially very very popular but later the support grew thin. Anti-German sentiments ran high. Russian armies lost badly in Germany and Austria. The war also affected the industry. There was labour shortage. By 1916, railway lines began to break down. The small workshops were closed down. There was shortage of grain and hence of bread. Events In the winter of 1917, Petrograd was grim.  There was a food shortage in the quarters of workers. On 22nd February, a lockout took place at a factory. Workers of 50 other factories joined in sympathy. Women also led and participated in the strikes. This came to be called the International W...

Social Science History Chapter 2: Socialism in Europe and Russian Revolution (Summary of the topic taught as on 23/04/2021)

Topics Covered: Russian Revolution Learning Objectives: Students will be able identify the economic and society during Russian Empire. Students will be able to identify the events of 1905 Revolution. Notes: Russian Revolution: In 1914, Nicholas II ruled the Russian empire. The Russian Empire included territory around Moscow, current-day Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Economy and Society during Russian Empire About 85 percent of the Russian empire's population earned their living from agriculture. The industry was limited in number. Workers were divided into groups but they did unite to strike work when they were dissatisfied. Peasants had no respect for nobility, very unlike the French peasant. Russian peasants were the only peasant community which pooled their land and their commune divided it. Socialism in Russia All political parties were illegal in Russia before 1914. In 1900, the Russian Socialist Democratic Labour Party was formed. ...

Summer vacation 2021 Assignment of all Subjects

General instructions for Summer vacation Assignment for all subjects . GENERAL NOTE: Kindly submit all your worksheet of all subject as per SSD document (between us portal) through betweenus and if betweenus is not working worksheet to be mailed to respective subject teacher as it gets completed .   Create your assignment in your own style with new ideas as per given instruction . The aim for home assignment only for learning. So no need to go out for any material or anything to purchase. Use handy material which is already available at home. Use waste material/scrap /best out of waste /reusable things as per your use. Notebook work can be completed in any notebook that you have at home (used one or new one or papers). You may keep one single notebook for all assignments. No need to go out to buy anything pertaining to your assignment. Please click on the subject for the assignment. English Hindi Mathematics Science Social Science Computer

Hindi - Shabd aur Pad me antar (Test)


Summer Vacation 2021-22 Information

 Dear Parents and Students, Kindly note that Summer vacation 2021-22 will begin from 1st May 2021 till 2nd June  2021. Regular Virtual online classes will commence from 3rd June 2021.  Regards,  Class teacher.

Hindi - Shabd aur Pad me antar

 * शब्द एवं पद में अंतर ¤ शब्द वाक्य के बाहर होते हैं जबकि पद वाक्य में बँधे होते हैं। ¤ शब्दों का अपना स्वतंत्र अर्थ होता है जबकि पद अपना अर्थ वाक्य के अनुसार देते हैं। पद-भेद * वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त शब्दों अर्थात् पदों को पाँच भेदों में बाँटा जाता है 1.संज्ञा पद-  I) . धरती गोल है। II) भारत के उत्तर में विशाल हिमालय है। 2.सर्वनाम पद -  I)  ये समीर के घर हैं। II) बाज़ार से कुछ खाने के लिए ले आना। 3.विशेषण पद - I) मेरी कक्षा में पचास छात्र हैं। II) यह किताब बहुत महँगी है। III)  कोई लड़का बुला रहा है। 4.क्रिया पद- i)  पतंग बहुत ऊँचाई पर उड़ रही है। II) मैंने तीन कहानियाँ लिखीं । 5.अव्यय पद * रामू अधिक बोलता है।- क्रियाविशेषण पद * वह अवश्य आएगा।- क्रियाविशेषण पद * वह दिनभर पढ़ता रहता है।- क्रियाविशेषण पद * विद्या के बिना जीवन व्यर्थ है।- संबंधबोधक पद * अब हिंदी के बजाय गणित पढ़ लेते हैं।-संबंधबोधक पद * धीरे बोलो ताकि सुनाई न दे।-समुच्चयबोधक पद * बादल घिरे परंतु वर्षा न हुई।-समुच्चयबोधक पद * ...

IX A Science Matter in our surrounding

DATE:   28 /4/2021 GRADE:  IXA CHAPTER: Matter in our surrounding TOPICS TAUGHT DISCUSSION OF NOTEBOOK ,WORKBOOK EXERCISE HOMEWORK:  REVISE THE TOPICS TAUGHT..  Submit Notebook work on Upload worksheets on between us.

Hindi -Shabd aur Pad me antar

  पद की परिभाषा जब कोई शब्द स्वतंत्र न रहकर व्याकरण के नियमों में बँध जाता है, तब वह शब्द ‘पद’ बन जाता है। इस प्रकार वाक्य में प्रयुक्त शब्द ही ‘पद’है। कारक, वचन, लिंग, पुरुष इत्यादि में बँधकर शब्द ‘पद’बन जाता है। जैसे - सीता गाती है। ईश्वर रक्षा करे। यहाँ ‘सीता, ‘ईश्वर’आदि शब्द वाक्य में प्रयुक्त होकर ‘पद’में परिवर्तित हो गए हैं।

Social Science History Chapter 1: French Revolution (Note Book Exercise)

French Revolution Notebook Work  

Computer - Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills(26/4/21)

Topic taught     -  Types of Keys, Numeric Keypad,Backspace,Delete                               Caps lock,Shift key,Home keys,G uide keys,                               Mouse,Mouse pointer

IX A Science 26/4/21

Topic taught Revision of concepts  Homework Complete Notebook work and submit E-mail- Group activity IX A Science Group 1- Activity 1 Group 2 - Activity 2 Group 3 - Activity 3 Presentation date- 29/4/21 29/4/21 Group activity Dear students, Well done. Your presentation and activities was good . Keep doing .

Grade 9th A,B, & 10th A,B ,"Art & craft", Act.2,Topic" 3D & 5D Alphabet", Dt.24/4/2021,Virtual online class


Grade IX- Science Practical

1. EXPERIMENT AIM To determine the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water.  Complete it.



Hindi -Shabd aur Pad


English Poem 2 The Road Not Taken

  Poem 2 The Road Not Taken Date: 20.04.21 Topics taught: Read the poem, Explanation of first stanza through Ppt. Homework: Find meanings of 1.diverged 2.trodden. Date: 21.04.21 Topics taught: explanation of poem through ppt . Ppt- The Road not taken Discussion of textual exercise. New words to be written in notebook. 1.diverged 2.undergrowth 3.lay 4.trodden 5.sigh Find the meanings and make sentences from the above words. Comprehension Questions   a)        Why did the poet leave the first road? The poet left the first road in the hope that he would travel on it on another day. b)        Why did the poet doubt about? The poet doubted if he would ever come back to the same place to walk on the road that he had left for another day. c)        Who does ‘both’ refer to? `Both’ refers to the two roads that lay in front of the poet.     d)    ...