
Showing posts from June, 2020

Hindi -30/06/20

अतिथि तुम कब जाओगे  PS 1 सभी प्रश्न हल कीजिए। 

Hindi -29/06/20

अनुच्छेद लेखन  PS 1 सभी प्रश्न हल कीजिए। 

English Beehive Poem Wind (Summary of the topic taught as on 30/06/2020)

Wind PPT_1

IX,Maths, Co-ordinate Geometry

30/6/2020 Co-ordinate Geometry Points discussed : PPT was shown to students  History of Co-ordinate geometry Cartesian system and various terms used Quadrants Finding coordinates

Social Science Political Science (Chapter 2 Constitutional Design) (Summary of the topic taught as on 29/06/2020)

Constitutional Design Topics Covered are as follows. 1. Introduction   2. Democratic Constitution in South Africa. 3. Struggle Against Apartheid. Question based on Content Analysis of the Topic Mentioned above are as follows. 1. Why was Nelson Mandela put to Prison? (01 Mark) (Tb. pg no 41). 2. Why was Nelson Mandela and seven leaders were put to life imprisonment? (01 Marks) (Tb. pg no 41). 3. Where did Nelson Mandela spent his Prison Time? (01 Marks) (Tb. pg no 41). 4. What is Apartheid? (01 Marks) (Tb. pg no 41) 5. What was the difference between imperialism in India and South Africa? (HOTS) (01 Marks) (Tb. pg no 41) 6. State the oppressive policies followed under the system of Apartheid. (05 Marks) (Tb. pg no 41) 7. How did the Blacks of South Africa fight with the practice of Apartheid? (05 Marks) (Tb. Pg. no 42)  

IX,Maths,Co-ordinate Geometry

Co-ordinate Geometry Points discussed: Introduced co-ordinate geometry Difference between normal and co-ordinate geometry Definition of co-ordinate geometry Uses Day to day life examples

grade 9 & 10 (virtual class) , subject :ART & CRAFT ,,"sketching .(.human figure)


Hindi -Upsarg -Pratyay

Revision and solved worksheet. 

Maths,IX, Euclid's Geometry

26/6/2020 Euclid's Geometry Playfairs axioms Solved examples Exercise 5.2 HW-1 Complete your worksheet  Complete your exercise.

English Class Test of Poem The Road not Taken was conducted as on 26/06/2020

Class Test of The Road Not Taken

Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Physical Features of India (Summary of the topics taught as on 25/06/2020)

Physical Features of India PPT_4 Topics Covered: The Indian Desert The Coastal Plains The Island The Content Analysis of the topics of the mentioned below 1. Discuss few land forms found in the sandy desert regions of India. (05 Marks)  (Tb pg no. 14) 2.  State the few features of Coastal Plain. (05 Marks)  (Tb pg no. 14) 3. State three facts about lakshadweep Island groups. (03 Marks) (Tb pg no. 14) 4. Explain about the coral polyps and give example. (03 Marks) (Tb pg no. 15) 5. State the facts about Andaman and Nicobar Island. (05 Marks) (Tb pg no. 15) 6. The diverse physical features of the land have immense future possibilities of development. (05 Marks) (Tb. pg no 15)

IX Maths, Euclid's Geometry

IX Maths,25/6/2020 Euclids Geometry Exercise 5.1 Discussion on Q2 & Q3 Q4&Q6 Hw - Complete exercise 5.1  

Science(CHEMISTRY) Virtual Online Classes 25/06/2020 Ch 1 Matter in our surrounding CLASS DETAIL

Science(CHEMISTRY) Virtual Online Classes 25/06/2020 Ch 1 Matter in our surrounding: Topic Taught :  Revision. Note: AFTER completing  your worksheet and submit your worksheet on between us portal (re-upload it.) CHAPTER FULL DETAIL AND RESOURCES : Kindly Click on the Colourful  link given below as the name : RESOURCE NOTES OF CHAPTER POWER POINT PRESENTATION PPT USED CH 1 QUESTION BANK

Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Physical Features of India (Summary of the Topic taught as on 24/06/2020)

Physical Features of India PPT_3 Topics Taught: Features of Northern Plain Sections of Northern Plain Regions of Northern Plain based on elevation Features of Peninsular Plateau Divisions of Peninsular Plateau Features of Central Highland  Features of Deccan Plateau Difference Between Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats The above said topics have been taught withing two lectures. The Content Analysis based on the topic Mentioned above are as follows: 1. Difference between Bhangar and Khadar. (03 Marks) (Tb Pg. no 12 and 13) 2. Contrast between the relief features of the Himalayan region and the Peninsular Plateau is given below. (Tb 9, 11 and 13)      (05 Marks) 3. Name the part of the Northern plains fromed of older alluvium. Mention any two characteristic features of it.  (03 Marks) (Tb 12) 4. Name the three sections into which the Northern Plain has been divided. write one feature of each. (Tb Pg. no 12)  (03 Marks) 5. Describe the river systems ...

Upsarg -Pratyay

२. तद्धित प्रत्यय वे प्रत्यय जो क्रिया के मूल रूप यानी धातु को छोड़कर अन्य शब्दों- संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण व अवयव में जुड़ते हैं तद्धित प्रत्यय कहलाते हैं। तद्धित प्रत्यय से बने शब्द तद्धितांत  शब्द का लाते हैं।  जैसे- सेठ +आनी= सेठानी।   उपर्युक्त दोनों प्रत्ययों में यह समानता है कि दोनों प्रकार के  प्रत्ययों  से बनने वाले शब्द प्रायः संज्ञा या विशेषण होते हैं।  प्रत्यय से जुड़ी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण टिप्स जो शब्दांश शब्दों के अंत में जोड़कर उनके अर्थ में विशेषता या परिवर्तन ला देते हैं  3.PS 1 सभी प्रश्न हल कीजिए।

Upsarg -Pratyay

Unit-2 1.निम्नलिखित जानकारी पढ़िए प्रत्यय (Suffix)की परिभाषा जो शब्दांश, शब्दों के अंत में जुड़कर अर्थ में परिवर्तन लाये, प्रत्यय कहलाते है। दूसरे अर्थ में- शब्द निर्माण के लिए शब्दों के अंत में जो शब्दांश जोड़े जाते हैं, वे प्रत्यय कहलाते हैं। प्रत्यय दो शब्दों से बना है- प्रति+अय। 'प्रति' का अर्थ 'साथ में, 'पर बाद में' है और 'अय' का अर्थ 'चलनेवाला' है। अतएव, 'प्रत्यय' का अर्थ है 'शब्दों के साथ, पर बाद में चलनेवाला या लगनेवाला। प्रत्यय उपसर्गों की तरह अविकारी शब्दांश है, जो शब्दों के बाद जोड़े जाते है। जैसे- पाठक, शक्ति, भलाई, मनुष्यता आदि। 'पठ' और 'शक' धातुओं से क्रमशः 'अक' एवं 'ति' प्रत्यय लगाने पर पठ + अक= पाठक और शक + ति= 'शक्ति' शब्द बनते हैं। 'भलाई' और 'मनुष्यता' शब्द भी 'भला' शब्द में 'आई' तथा 'मनुष्य' शब्द में 'ता' प्रत्यय लगाने पर बने हैं। प्रत्यय के भेद मूलतः प्रत्यय के दो प्रकार है - (1) कृत् प्रत्यय (कृदन्त) (Agentive) (2) तद्धित प्रत्यय (Nom...

VIII Science : Crop Production and Management

23/6/2020 Steps in Agricultural Practices Topics discussed :PPT on Preparation of soil Ploughing and tilling Crumb crushing Levelling Sowing HW-1 pg 5 check your progress 2 .Distinguish between Manures and Fertilizers

English Revision of the Poem The Road Not Taken (Summary of the Revision done as on 23/06/2020)

PPT of The Road Not Taken Video of the Poem The Road Not Taken Answer Scheme of Textual Exercise Answer Scheme of Practise Sheet

Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Physical Features of India (Summary of the Topic taught as on 23/06/2020)

Physical features of India_PPT 2 Topics covered. Recapitulation of The Longitudinal division of Himalayas. Division of Himalayas on the basis of regions from East to West. Content Analysis of the above taught topics are as follows: 1. Describe how the Himalayas were formed.          (03 Marks) (Tb pg. no 8 First paragraph below the map and did you know fact) 2. Describe how the northern plains were formed.  (03 Marks) (Tb. Pg. no 8 2nd Paragraph below the map ) 3. Name the three major divisions of the Himalayas from north to south. (03 Marks) (Tb. 9 and 11 under the concept of The Himalayan Mountains) 4. State any three features of the Himalayan Mountains.    (03 Marks) Tb. pg. no 9 under the concept of The Himalayan Moutnains) 5. Give a discription of Greater Himalayas. (03 Marks or 05 Marks) Tb. pg. no 9 and 11). The above question can be put for Lesser Himalayas and Shiwalik as well. 6. Learn the Characteristics of the Greater Himalayas, ...

IX Maths: Euclid's Geometry

22/6/2020 Ex 5.1 Q1.was discussed HW-1 Ex 5.1  Q1 Try- Q2, Q3.

Hindi -Upsarg -Pratyay

Unit -1 1.निम्नलिखित जानकारी पढ़िए।  * उपसर्ग शब्द का अर्थ होता है – समीप आकर नया शब्द बनाना। अर्थात यह किसी शब्द साथ लगकर नया शब्द बनाता है। *उपसर्ग लगने के बाद शब्द का अर्थ बदल जाता है। उदाहरण : अ + भाव : अभाव   ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण में आप देख सकते हैं पहले भाव शब्द बिना उपसर्ग के उसका मतलब था भावना लेकिन जब उपसर्ग लगाया गया तो उसका मतलब हो गया कमी। उपसर्ग लगने के बाद उसका मतलब बदल गया है। *उपसर्ग कई प्रकार के होते हैं जैसे हिंदी उपसर्ग, संस्कृत उपसर्ग, अंग्रेजी उपसर्ग एवं अरबी-फारसी उपसर्ग। हिंदी में प्रचलित उपसर्गों को निम्लिखित भागों में विभाजित किया जा सकता हैं। संस्कृत के उपसर्ग (संख्या – 22) हिंदी के उपसर्ग (संख्या – 13) अरबी फारसी के उपसर्ग अंग्रेजी के उपसर्ग 2.PPT 1 ¹ Slides 2-8   की सहायता से उपसर्ग के बारे में जानिए। 

Cell The fundamental unit of life 22/06/2020

Revision of cell fundamental unit of life l Brain Teaser 1. Who gave cell Theory? 2. State cell Theory. 3.Give characteristics of cell and explain size and shape of cell.

Social Science Civics Chapter what is Democracy and Why Democracy test conducted as on 22/06/2020

CLASS TEST OF CIVICS CHAPTER 1 Civics chapter 1 What is Democracy and Why Democracy? google form link have been pasted above.

grade 9 & 10 (virtual class) , subject :ART & CRAFT ,"object pencil shading"


Important circular for International Yoga Day


PM's video message on international day of Yoga

Dear Parent,  Subject :PM’s video message on International Day of Yoga – 2020 It is a privilege to write against the backdrop of video message of Hon’ble Prime Minister to all participate in International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21st June 2020. In this regard, Ministry of Ayush, Government of India has developed and shared the links,as given below : i) Google Drive: ii) We Transfer: Prepare yourself and be there to do Yoga with the world.

Maths/Ch,5/Euclid's Geometry

18/6/2020 Ch,5, Euclid's Geometry Points discussed : PPT on Euclid's Postulates

Maths/Ch.5/Euclid's Geometry

16/6/2020 Ch5. Euclid's Geometry Points discussed: PPT on Euclid's Axioms

Maths/Ch.5/Euclid's Geometry

19/6/2020 Ch.5.Euclids Geometry Examples solved on Euclid's Postulates

Hindi -Revision Shabd aur Pad

पुनरावर्तन  Practice sheet 

English Poem 1: The Road not Taken (Revision work) as on 19/06/2020

The Road Not Taken (Practice Sheet) Practice Sheet conducted as a Class Test on 19/06/2020.

Social Science Geography Chapter 2 Physical Features of India (Summary of the topic taught as on 16/06/2020)

Physical features of India PPT 1 Video on Plate Tectonic Theory Topics Covered in the virtual class as on 16/06/2020 are as follows Introduction Theory of Plate Tectonics India Land mass.

Social Science Class Test of Economics Chapter 1 The Story of Village Palampur conducted as on 15/06/2020

Class Test of The Story of Village Palampur

Math Grade 9th Lines and Angles 12/06/20 classwork


Hindi grammar -Shabd Vichar

श्रुतिभिन्नार्थक शब्द  अंस – अंश = कंधा – हिस्सा अंत – अत्य = समाप्त – नीच अन्न -अन्य = अनाज -दूसरा अभिराम -अविराम = सुंदर -लगातार अम्बुज – अम्बुधि = कमल -सागर अनिल – अनल = हवा -आग अश्व – अश्म = घोड़ा -पत्थर अनिष्ट – अनिष्ठ = हानि – श्रद्धाहीन अचर – अनुचर = न चलने वाला – नौकर अमित – अमीत = बहुत – शत्रु अभय – उभय = निर्भय – दोनों अस्त – अस्त्र = आँसू – हथियार असित – अशित = काला – भोथरा अर्घ – अर्घ्य = मूल्य – पूजा सामग्री अली – अलि = सखी – भौंरा अवधि – अवधी = समय – अवध की भाषा आरति – आरती = दुःख – धूप-दीप आहूत – आहुति = निमंत्रित – होम आसन – आसन्न = बैठने की वस्तु – निकट आवास – आभास = मकान – झलक आभरण – आमरण = आभूषण – मरण तक आर्त्त – आर्द्र = दुखी – गीला ऋत – ऋतु = सत्य – मौसम कुल – कूल = वंश – किनारा कंगाल – कंकाल = दरिद्र – हड्डी का ढाँचा कृति – कृती = रचना – निपुण कान्ति – क्रान्ति = चमक – उलटफेर कलि – कली = कलयुग – अधखिला फूल कपिश – कपीश = मटमैला – वानरों का राजा कुच – कूच = स्तन – प्रस्थान कटिबन्ध – कटिबद्ध = कमरबन्ध – तैयार / तत्पर छात्र – क्षात्र = विधार्थी – क्षत्रिय गण – गण्...

grade 9 & 10 (virtual class) , subject :ART & CRAFT , TOPIC: BASIC ART (lines calligraphy)


Cyber safety module -2

Dear Parent,  Please find the second module on Cyber safety that covers topics like what is cyberbullying, how to respond in case if one is being bullied online, threats from strangers and online predators, other cyber threats and some tips to keep one's own self safe from different types of threats.  Std VIII to X: Module 2- Stop Cyberbullying Regards, Class Teacher

Hindi -Ch. 4 Atithi tum kab jaoge

अतिथि तुम कब जाओगे नए शब्द 1.निस्संकोच 2.नम्रता 3.आतिथ्य 4.संभावना 5.अज्ञात 6.आग्रह 7.गरिमा 8.छोर 9.सामीप्य 10.सौहार्द Unit -1&2 1.अतिथि से आप क्या समझते हैं ? अपने विचार लिखिए।  2.Textbook ¹स्पर्श भाग-1  पृष्ठ क्रम 36-39अतिथि तुम कब जाओगे पाठ का वाचन कीजिए और पृष्ठ क्रम 41-42 पर दिए गए शब्दों के अर्थ पढि़ए। 3.PPT 1 ¹ Slide 2-5 की सहायता से पाठ का सारांश पढि़ए। 4.Textbook ¹ स्पर्श भाग-1पृष्ठ क्रम  30-40  पर दिए गए  के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।  

std 9 science Fundamental unit of life Timings 9:30 to 10:10 am

Ruchas Brain Teaser Test- 4 marks

Math Grade 9th Lines and Angles Practice Sheet

Math Grade 9th Lines and Angles Practice Sheet

Math Grade 9th Lines and Angles 09/06/20 class work


Math Grade 9th Lines and Angles 08/06/20 class work


Link and information regarding cyber safey module

Dear Parent,  We are pleased to inform you that two modules on Cyber Safety for Std. V to VII and Std.VIII to X . Students will have to complete these two modules in the month of June.  Remaining one module for Std V to VII and two modules of Std. VIII to X will be shared in the last week of June. Students will be completing these modules in the month of July.  Link for this month mentioned below : VIII -X Regards,  Class Teacher


कविता :-आदमीनामा नए शब्द 1. मुफ़लिस 2.गदा 3.ज़रदार 4. बेनवा 5.निअमत 6.इमाम 7.खुतबाख्वाँ 8.तेग 9.अशराफ़ 10.मुरिद Unit -1 03/06/20 1.Textbook ¹स्पर्श भाग-1  पृष्ठ क्रम 97-99 आदमीनामा कविता का वाचन कीजिए और पृष्ठ क्रम 100-101पर दिए गए शब्दों के अर्थ पढि़ए। 2.PPT 1 ¹ Slide 2-7 की सहायता से आदमीनामा कविता का भावार्थ पढि़ए। 3.Textbook ¹स्पर्श भाग-1 पृष्ठ क्रम 99 पर दिए गए  के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए। 4.'आज का आदमी'पर अनुच्छेद लिखिए। Unit-2 8/06/20 PPT 1 ¹ Slide 8 की सहायता से आदमीनामा कविता का सारांश पढि़ए। Textbook ¹ स्पर्श भाग-1पृष्ठ क्रम  100  पर दिए गए  के सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए। PS 1 सभी प्रश्न हल कीजिए।

Math Grade 9th Lines and Angles 05/06/20 class work


ch Fundamental Unit of Life (Biology) 8/6/2020 Timigs : 8:30 to 9:10 am

Revision Discussion regarding 1. 1.Hypertonic,Hypotonic and Isotonic Solution 2.Lysosome and its function 3. Cell  types and chromosomes  Daily Test

Social Science The Story of Village Palampur resources beginning from 25/05/2020 to 01/05/2020 (Summary of the topics taught)

Resources of The Story of Village Palampur 25/05/2020 Social Science: Chapter Conducted The Story of Village Palampur. Topics covered: Introduction, Factors of Production. 27/05/2020 Social Science Topics Covered:Farming in Palampur 28/05/2020 Social Science Topics Covered: Distribution of Land in Palmpur 01/05/2020 Social Science Topics Covered: Non Farming activities in Village Palampur

Math Grade 9th Chapter 6 Lines and Angles 02/06/20 class work


Revision - ch 5- Fundamental unit of life Date 1/6/2020

Revision of plant cell ,animal cell and bacterial cell was done also it's revision was do e in details showing them 3d structure!!