STD-IX Extra questions of Three men in a boat Ch 4 to 9

Subject : English Topic : Three Men in a Boat ch 4-9 Grade : IX Answer the following questions in 100 -150 words. 1. What was the contribution of Harris and George to the task of packing? George and Harris started packing in a typical fashion. They started with breaking a cup. They packed strawberry jam on top of the tomatoes and squashed them. Then they packed pastries at the bottom and heavy things were loaded on them. Naturally, pastries were smashed. Moreover, they tried to put butter in the kettle. It would not go in and what was in it would not come out. Finally George and Harris managed to get it out and they put it on the chair and Harris sat on it. When packing was completed, Harris sat on the hamper hoping nothing would be found broken. 2. ...